EB 3: Employment-Based, Third Preference Immigration
Brief Introduction
- Significant difference between EB-2 and EB-3 – EB2 is for people with advanced degrees/exceptional ability, while EB-3 is more based on work experience or holding a bachelor’s degree/foreign equivalent
- Eligible for this preference category if you are a skilled worker, professional, or other worker
- Skilled worker = persons whose jobs requires a minimum of 2 years training or work experience
- Professional = persons whose jobs requires at least a US baccalaureate degree or a foreign equivalent and are a member of their professions
- Other = persons performing unskilled labor requiring less than 2 years training or experience
- Labor certification is usually required though the petition may be submitted to the USCIS with an uncertified ETA-9089 for consideration as Schedule A, Group 1
- Employer must file a Form I-140, Petition for Alien Worker
- Employer must be able to demonstrate an ability to pay the offered wage as of your visa priority date
- Annual reports, federal income tax return, or audited financial statements can be used
- EB-2 和 EB-3之间的差异是针对具有高等学历/特殊能力的人,而EB-3更多是基于工作经验或持有学士学位/外国同等学历持有人
- 如果您是熟练的工人,专业人员或其他工作人员,则符合此类别
- 熟练技术工人:需要至少工作2年培训或工作经验
- 专业人员:需要至少是美国学士学位或外国同等学历并且是其专业的成员
- 其他: 非技术人员,需要少于2年的培训或经验
- 申请劳工认证书是必需的,尽管申请书可以递交移民局未经认证的ETA-9089作为第一组附表A
- 雇主必须为外籍人士提交I-140(外籍劳工移民申请)表格
- 雇主担保有能力支付雇员薪水
- 可以使用年度报告,联邦所得税报税表或经审计的财务报表